My Body My Queen is closing as a business. All paid workshops are available for $15. Watch them in 2024 or download the audio to enjoy in 2025.

Queen of Decisions

Struggle no more with making decisions!

Become a Queen of Decisions in 60 minutes or less.

You'll learn:

  • options for quick decision making, 
  • a 1-hour process for narrowing down your options when you're overwhelmed, and
  • how select and move forward with the most doable action.

In the original workshop, this process was applied to fitness, nutrition, and other health decisions.

We've certainly all heard enough health-related advice that we "should" do. This process will help you mentally detox from that.

For Health & Fitness Decisions:

  • Imagine no longer being haunted by fitness and nutrition programs of the past 👻 Those never lasted more than a week anyway.
  • Imagine not falling for the latest complicated diet and fitness craze 🌪️ You have better things to spend your energy on!
  • Imagine living a healthy life by consistently doing simple healthy actions every day 😍 How luxurious would that life be?!?

Not really overwhelmed with a health decision right now? Awesome! This process can be applied to any topic where you are experiencing option overload and are overwhelmed thinking of all the things you "should" or "could" do.  

For Business Decisions:

  • Imagine having a clear focus for the quarter ahead, knowing that other initiatives may be better suited for future quarters.
  • Imagine listening to your intuition and the business knowledge you already have, rather than pivoting abruptly to the newest fad.
  • Imagine being a business owner that considers the context of their whole life before making business decisions. 

Learning to listen to yourself and your intuition is a fabulous skill set. This is your opportunity to shut out the noise of the rest of the world for 1 hour to gain some clarity and make a confident decision. 

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